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"The first time I met Lauren was for a massage. I had undergone a mastectomy and underarm lymph node removal for breast cancer. Lauren alleviated the discomfort in my chest and underarm area and quite quickly improved the pain that ran down the length of my arm. I now know that the rope like appearance and tightness in my arm was something called ‘cording’ which is not uncommon after surgery to remove lymph nodes.
Once through chemotherapy and radiotherapy I knew I needed to rebuild my confidence and strength in my body. Enter Lauren! Five months on and I have achieved a level of fitness and wellbeing I didn’t think possible for a 60 year old from where I had started. This is all due to Lauren’s personal commitment, attention and encouragement.
Week by week Lauren has assessed my needs and adapted her approach. Her skill of being able to mix up our sessions with Pilates and strength training means I enjoy every minute and am never bored. Outdoors or indoors Lauren always has a plan to find the best way to help me. The range of movement in my arm, no return of the cording and the fact that Lauren’s approach has dramatically reduced early signs of lymphoedema are testimony enough to Lauren’s skill at rehabilitation and beyond. There are laughs for sure but no slacking mind; no improvement without some effort and Lauren is a natural at gauging the best balance."
Karen Tarn
"After recovering from breast cancer I realised that I needed to take some action to look after myself better. As I work a a personal coach I know that significant change needs to come from ME! But I needed a partner in crime! Luckily, I met Lauren this year and thought I'd try out one session in her role as Personal Trainer. I embarked on some weekly sessions and found myself really enjoying it and then asking for a programme to work on as homework!
Lauren helped me to see that to get full benefit, I should push myself further and train to run 5km (which I have). Subsequently she has helped me realise that I have to pay closer attention to what I eat and drink! In her quiet, yet determined manner, along with her probing questions she has made a huge impact on all aspect of my fitness. What started as an hour session in March 2020 has changed my whole outlook. I feel her encompassing support and encouragement and I know she can do the same for you."
Louise Elliott
"After too many decades of inactivity, lack of fitness and being overweight, I promised myself that I would finally rectify the situation after I retired in December 2019! In February 2020, I started 1:1 sessions with Lauren. I was shocked by my sheer lack of fitness and balance. Lauren had to start with, what I now realise, were very basic exercises! Even then I struggled, but Lauren's unceasing encouragement has seen my level of fitness and balance improve significantly. I have also lost over two stone in the process.
Lauren will push you to achieve your level of capability (way beyond my original expectations)! I never know what programme is awaiting me, I just know it will be hard and will push me to the limits! Why do I keep going? Lauren's enthusiasm and encouragement (especially when she knows I have pushed through to another level) is infectious, but, ultimately, the sense of achievement I now get from actually completing the programme each time is extraordinary."
Catriona Rostron
"I am a former cycle racer (British and Scottish records) and later on a mountaineer (Munro’s and Alpine 4000’s), but was diagnosed with MS in 2001. The walking had to end but I am still able to cycle (slower and shorter). More recently I became aware I would have to exercise more parts of my body than just cycling. I enrolled with Pilates and the Midlothian Active Choices programme at the Council gyms. It was there that I met Lauren as an Instructor. This helped other parts of my ageing body to move. I found Lauren to be the best Pilates Instructor for someone with a chronic condition. I started to do Personal Training with Lauren and now get two sessions a week including some massage. I feel much improved, better than for a few years, and am able to enjoy my cycling more.
Lauren’s one-to-one sessions are so much safer in these Covid times. She puts me through the exercises in a relaxed and fun manner and has the knowledge and experience to make the sessions specific to my condition, which was further complicated by prostate cancer treatment in 2018 and a broken arm in 2019.
Since diagnosis 20 years ago, I have tried a number of practitioners and remedies but none have produced such a good response in my mind and body as working with Lauren. I have learned a lot about how the body works in combination with the brain and have something to get up for and look forward to each day. I highly recommend Lauren to anyone looking for rehabilitation after an illness, general conditioning for a chronic condition and to anyone wishing to continue a sport into older age."
John Murdoch

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